To enrich the employees sparetime life, promote communication between the colleagues, improve staff’s cohesion and centripetal force, our company organize tourist to Mountain Huang and Hong village in Anhui province in Oct, 2015. We enjoyed ourselves very much during this tour.
Mountain Huang is in Anhui province , and it is one of China top ten best-know scenic spot. It is characterized by the four wonders, namely, odd-shaped pines, grotesque rock formation, seas of clouds and crystal-clear hot springs. Mount Huang is celebrated for having all the features of mountain scenery. Known as the No.1 Mountain Under heaven, it features numerous imposing peaks, forests of stone pillars and evergreen sturdy pines; other features include grotesquely-shaped rocks, waterfalls, pools and hot springs.Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved by Nanjing Electric HV Bushing Co.,Ltd. The ICP registration number:12074944
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